Aulde is a (trade-exclusive) design studio committed to curating an inventory of timeless pieces that stand out in any space. Lovers of history, we hunt for exceptional items that tell a story fit for a new chapter. Every piece in our catalogue is curated and designed alongside our sourcing director, Alec Broughton.

Close up image of storefront with Aulde logo on glass.

Every product in our catalogue tells a story. These stories are decades, if not centuries long. They have been passed down from generation to generation, and have been known as a place of comfort, a feeling of pride, and a mark of quality. History has always seen the beauty in these pieces, and by using them in your home, and continuing that story, you create your own narrative.


Aulde is the opus of our founder and principal, Alec Broughton.
For the past decade, Alec has worked as a dealer in antiquities and fine art, sourcing objects of provenance for clients across the globe.
A prolific student of history and design, he has amassed a storied career in graphic design within luxury brands, the experiences of which he applies in his daily curation of Aulde’s collection of timeless furnishings and elevated home décor.
Aulde is the intersection of his two primary disciplines, exceptional design and historic craftsmanship. With an extensive vendor network earned over the past ten years, his approach to sourcing is simple ­— to find remarkable pieces that elevate spaces and tell a story.
Contact us to schedule a discovery meeting, and see how Aulde Design House can partner with you on your next project.